Thursday, November 17, 2005

A fresh start

It's 3:30 am. The perfect time for a fresh start.

For a goddamn baker that is!!

Now, I'm not a good sleeper which means that when waking up during a REM cycle, I have trouble going back to sleep. Thanks to the 1 message received alert in the middle of the freakin' night, I am now wide awake and ready to face the new day.

at 3:30 am.

So I thought it best to finally move my blog to it's new home. Then thought otherwise. Then decided to go ahead with it. But now I decided to start anew: without the embarassing archives, without the fancy schmancy template (sure), just plain old normal boring blog.

And now here I am, eyes wide open yet brain sealed tightly shut.

All I need is a nice plate of bacon, eggs and rice and I'm ready to go. If only I can muster up the energy to make one.

What a nice way to start a brand new day.


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