Dazed in the mornings.
Setting up a new blog could take some work. Putting up links, a shout box, setting up the profile and if you're even OC, creating a new template. But I think the hardest part is telling other people that you've changed your blog. Who to tell...and do they really care if you have one or not?!?
As proof of what I wrote yesterday (read: something about one's brain shutting down) I unconsciuosly gave out the wrong URL for this blog. I admit, I really wasn't sure about my URL in the first place.
Long story short, I sent my friends to some chinese blog. I don't even know what it was about since it was all in chinese. It could have been a porn site for all I know (some friends might not be surprised by that, actually - I wonder why).
Needless to say, I had to go back to each of their blogs to give out the correct URL. Yup, hard work.
And today is another early morning start for me. I have some errands to run (naks). In reality, I've always considered myself more of a morning person than an evening one. So being a bit dazed and confused in the mornings is a bit new to me.
I hope I don't mess up as much today as I did yesterday.
And since I don't drink coffee, Where's my hot chocolate?!?!
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