Thursday, November 16, 2006

Curb my enthusiasm

No, not the TV show.

I'm talking about something more serious...well, for me at least.

I've always been consient of my finances. I've only used my credit cards whenever necessary and I've managed to control my plastic-using tendencies making sure that I'll be able to fully pay whatever it is I charged each month. So I was a bit nervous of getting my bills this time around knowing that I've sort of over used my credit cards the past month.

I wasn't shocked when I received the statements. My initial reaction was more on the lines of "Ack, it's here!". And with a bit of calculation (read: bit = a lot + stress) I figured that if I don't spend more than 1000 each week until the next payday which is in 2 weeks, I'd be able to pay all my credit card bills, the electric bill (I offered to pay my family's electric bill..which I might regret sooner than later since it's usually 5K/month), half my share for the DSL bill, and redo half of my room.

Now the challenge is: how to spend less than 1000 a week.
answer: (possible answer) curb my shopping tendencies. Every time I pass by the mall I feel like I am obliged to buy something. Not necessarily new clothes (I don't really go for clothes that much...anymore) but more on the spa side.

I have to postpone my foot spas, hair spas and massages until maybe mid december!!! Not fair.

And so near the holidays too. Why oh why?!?!

Oh well...thank god for gift checks.
At least SM has some cheap yet nice stuff.
Or I can splurge on groceries and just buy stuff for a home made spa thing.

Blah. We'll see.

broke and wanting,


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