Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rachael Ray is Annoying

Rachael Ray has taken too many happy pills. The other day on her show she was screaming and imitating Bill Crosby's voice...if you could call that a voice. Ugh.

Actually, she's okay in small doses. I like 30-minute meals...I can handle 30 minutes of Rachael Ray. Besides, all she's doing is cooking and some of her ideas are actually cool.

But giving her her own show wherein she can wreak havoc on any subject under the sun is like setting a nuclear bomb in the middle of New York. Not a good idea. Seriously.

Try listening to a loop of her laughing (exactly like the one they do for her show's ads on the Lifestyle Channel) and see if you don't get the urge to assasinate her.

Argh!!! Oprah, what have you unleashed?!????!!!


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