Thursday, February 09, 2006

Astrology schmology.

So I admit it, I subscribe to daily horoscopes. But let me make it clear that I'm not an astrology buff. I'm not one of those people who'd know what star sign you are just by being with you for 10 minutes then ask..."Let me guess, you're a *insert sign desired here*, right?" Heck, the only sign I know is mine!

Although I have to admit, what I read about my own sign can be surprisingly true, right to the spot, bulls-eye. However, for the daily horoscope forecasts/things whatever you call them, sometimes I just find it funny.

Here's today's horoscope:

Learn how to be more sensitive, and your life will improve.

Wouldn't life be better for everyone if all of us are sensitive to other people?
Wait, don't answer that. 'Coz I myself think otherwise. We can't be sensitive to other people ALL the time!
There are times when we have to fight for what is right regardless of whose feelings we "run over" so to speak. If we think about everyone all the time, we will never get anywhere. We can't please everyone.

Someone once told me (fine, a "fortune teller") that I have a heart made of rock. She's actually 85% right. I am not the most sensitive person in the world and it's true that I might need to be more sensitive from time to time.

She also said that because of this trait I'd become rich and own a nice car.

But then again, according to the stars, my life will also improve if I become more sensitive.

What to do? What to do?

This is why you're not supposed to believe this kind of crap!
(There goes the sensitive me now...)


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