Monday, February 20, 2006

Pretty boy.

I've known this for quite some time now. I go for the bad guys. The evil ones who insert a curse in almost every sentence, the ones who are so hard to get along with, the ones who have dark mysterious pasts, in other words, I go for the guys you wouldn't want to introduce to your mother. I don't know why...maybe I like the edge that they have. It's a compliment to my bland personality I guess.

The noble, honest, good to the bone man's charm is wasted on me. I don't like a puny girly man just smiling beside me nodding at everything I say.

I want a man who would force me to do things...the right things at least and give my life, or what's left of it, a direction. Someone who would contradict me in something I'd say so we can have a heated argument and would end up having make-up activites.

I don't want a Jack Shephard (he's damn boring and a know it all), I want a Sawyer.
For the non-Lost fans, it's basically the good doctor vs. the murderer/con man.

In short, I crave for the drama and the conflict.

However I do not know if I can handle it in real life as well as I have had in my dreams.

Saying for the day:

It's not that the glass is half empty or half full. Instead, the question is why isn't the glass the right size to hold the amount of water it's got?


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