Friday, May 19, 2006

Morning date

Night shifters everywhere can all say that "social life" isn't really in our vocabularies anymore. Well, for me at least. I don't really like going to bars to drink so going to bars after shift 'til early morning is an out for me. Leaving me only with 7-11 and Starbucks to hang out in. Besides, I'm usually too tired already to go out after shift. I'm content to having to plop down on my bed catching the late showing of Monk or CSI on Star World (thank you Lord for this). But lately it's been such a routine that it's not really fun anymore.

I'm a morning person and I'd prefer it if I had something to do before shift starts. This usually means a trip to the mall. But malling isn't fun when all your friends are at work or still sleeping.

So I was really glad when G arrived. I now have a constant morning date. Sure it's stressful having to wake up that early after a late night and I'm sure I complained about that in the last few posts. But I really like having him around or should I say dragging him around. Poor guy. I've ran out of malls to bring him to so I asked him if he wanted to go to Ateneo and UP. Pathetic, I know. But anyway, we planned to go.

By chance, we left the house before noon which meant that we needed to stop somewhere to eat. Yay Eastwood. I haven't been there since I arrived and the place has changed a lot! All I remember was Fazolis and Country Waffle (which I didn't see anymore).

Anyhoo to make the long story short, we ended up wasting the afternoon going around Eastwood then going to Tiendesitas for a quick look. Then it was straight to work for me...and to another mall for G. Again, poor boy.

But all in all, not bad for a morning date. If this is what I get for only 3-4 hours of sleep, I'll do it anytime over anything.

...view from heaven and eggs...


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