Tuesday, November 22, 2005

3 week break

Once again, I managed to wake up at 3:50 am. My body clock's out of order.

I was not able to go to the clinic Saturday morning...one of my many delaying tactics, as my dad likes to call them. I only went this morning, or yesterday morning if you want to get all technical on me. But the delaying tactics did not stop on Saturday. As usual, peeing on a cup still is a problem for me. I'd rather donate a gallon of blood anytime.

or drive to Tagaytay at 2 am just to make tambay at 7-11. Holler to Cho and Mai - sa uulitin! Baguio naman!!

Anyway, I'm off to see the Philippines and might not be updating...unless I get really bored and find myself in an internet cafe *add evil grin here*.

I'll see you all in December.

Friday, November 18, 2005

I hate medical examinations

The title says it all.

I have never liked medical examinations, ever! I remember running around the house trying to escape from my syringe brandishing mother and keeping my mouth tightly shut that they had to pinch my nose so I'd be forced to open my mouth and drink cough syrup (which I'd expertly spit out after).

These aren't really medical examinations per se but it has something to do with medicine and doctors.

But I got used to all these after 3 (or probably even 4) hospital confinements. I can drink up to 4 big pills at a time while an incompetent nurse murders my vein while extracting blood. I have to admit though that I still hate drinking syrup (there goes the junkie cough syrup addict me).

However being a veteran confinee (or whatever you call it), I still don't like doing medical examinations for whatever reason.

When I entered university, a medical certificate was needed. Thanks to doctor friends, that was quickly drawn up. First job, medical exam for pre-employment: never went. First license renewal, urine drug test: had to go back the next day and wait for almost an hour to be able to pee in a cup. Have I mentioned I never pee in public toilets?

So here I am again, schedules for a pre-employment medical tomorrow. Ugh. But this as to be done, just to get this over with. But really, a stool sample?!?!? For what?!?!

On the brighter side, after this medical thing clears I'd be able to smoke a little sumtin' sumtin' in the beautiful mountains of Banaue, if you know what I mean.

Bring it on.

Dazed in the mornings.

Setting up a new blog could take some work. Putting up links, a shout box, setting up the profile and if you're even OC, creating a new template. But I think the hardest part is telling other people that you've changed your blog. Who to tell...and do they really care if you have one or not?!?

As proof of what I wrote yesterday (read: something about one's brain shutting down) I unconsciuosly gave out the wrong URL for this blog. I admit, I really wasn't sure about my URL in the first place.

Long story short, I sent my friends to some chinese blog. I don't even know what it was about since it was all in chinese. It could have been a porn site for all I know (some friends might not be surprised by that, actually - I wonder why).

Needless to say, I had to go back to each of their blogs to give out the correct URL. Yup, hard work.

And today is another early morning start for me. I have some errands to run (naks). In reality, I've always considered myself more of a morning person than an evening one. So being a bit dazed and confused in the mornings is a bit new to me.

I hope I don't mess up as much today as I did yesterday.

And since I don't drink coffee, Where's my hot chocolate?!?!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

A fresh start

It's 3:30 am. The perfect time for a fresh start.

For a goddamn baker that is!!

Now, I'm not a good sleeper which means that when waking up during a REM cycle, I have trouble going back to sleep. Thanks to the 1 message received alert in the middle of the freakin' night, I am now wide awake and ready to face the new day.

at 3:30 am.

So I thought it best to finally move my blog to it's new home. Then thought otherwise. Then decided to go ahead with it. But now I decided to start anew: without the embarassing archives, without the fancy schmancy template (sure), just plain old normal boring blog.

And now here I am, eyes wide open yet brain sealed tightly shut.

All I need is a nice plate of bacon, eggs and rice and I'm ready to go. If only I can muster up the energy to make one.

What a nice way to start a brand new day.