Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rachael Ray is Annoying

Rachael Ray has taken too many happy pills. The other day on her show she was screaming and imitating Bill Crosby's voice...if you could call that a voice. Ugh.

Actually, she's okay in small doses. I like 30-minute meals...I can handle 30 minutes of Rachael Ray. Besides, all she's doing is cooking and some of her ideas are actually cool.

But giving her her own show wherein she can wreak havoc on any subject under the sun is like setting a nuclear bomb in the middle of New York. Not a good idea. Seriously.

Try listening to a loop of her laughing (exactly like the one they do for her show's ads on the Lifestyle Channel) and see if you don't get the urge to assasinate her.

Argh!!! Oprah, what have you unleashed?!????!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Greg Flips his Flops

Photo taken by Greg - chasing flamingos in Cyprus

For a guy who didn't know how to use slippers last year (don't deny it!), he's improved a lot. Notice the Pinoy Havaianas. He's been around Makati and Cyprus in them.

I'm not gonna post pictures of his feet though during that time. It will destroy the mood.

Just imagine them.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Curb my enthusiasm

No, not the TV show.

I'm talking about something more serious...well, for me at least.

I've always been consient of my finances. I've only used my credit cards whenever necessary and I've managed to control my plastic-using tendencies making sure that I'll be able to fully pay whatever it is I charged each month. So I was a bit nervous of getting my bills this time around knowing that I've sort of over used my credit cards the past month.

I wasn't shocked when I received the statements. My initial reaction was more on the lines of "Ack, it's here!". And with a bit of calculation (read: bit = a lot + stress) I figured that if I don't spend more than 1000 each week until the next payday which is in 2 weeks, I'd be able to pay all my credit card bills, the electric bill (I offered to pay my family's electric bill..which I might regret sooner than later since it's usually 5K/month), half my share for the DSL bill, and redo half of my room.

Now the challenge is: how to spend less than 1000 a week.
answer: (possible answer) curb my shopping tendencies. Every time I pass by the mall I feel like I am obliged to buy something. Not necessarily new clothes (I don't really go for clothes that much...anymore) but more on the spa side.

I have to postpone my foot spas, hair spas and massages until maybe mid december!!! Not fair.

And so near the holidays too. Why oh why?!?!

Oh well...thank god for gift checks.
At least SM has some cheap yet nice stuff.
Or I can splurge on groceries and just buy stuff for a home made spa thing.

Blah. We'll see.

broke and wanting,

Monday, November 13, 2006

Headache and revelations

After sleeping for only two hours, I woke up with a splitting headache. The kind wherein you can't even turn without thinking of vomiting. I couldn't even go back to sleep because it was already day and I can hear cars and sidewalk sweepers outside. I even resorted to using that thing you put over your eyes so you can go to sleep...the one people get from airplanes. But to no avail...

But an Advil did help a bit. I fell asleep after about an hour.

When I woke up...argh! The allergies were back. It's weird 'coz I didn't even drink a drop of beer!! Then the revelation....

I only get these when I drink and smoke at the same time!!!

I swear this must be the cause.

I drank without smoking in Subic and I didn't get allergies...

But then again, I drank vodka and smoked when we went out the other night and didn't get anything either.

Oh well, so much for my theory.

Maybe I can only drink 3 kinds of alcohol: tequila, vodka, and red wine. Which is actually enough if you think about it. Those are the only three drinks I really do drink usually anyway.

This still doesn't make any sense 'coz I think it's still the alcohol typing.

Crap! I still need to create a French lesson plan!!!

peace and luv,

I know what I want...

I want you.

Thanks to the people at Cedric's party. I realized that I am a guy...and that guys are stupid.

Sorry if I ever hurt you.
But that was my hurt see how well you'll take it.
And to see if you'll understand and come back.

And you did.

And I'm stupid.

And I hate being a drama queen.
I don't want drama anymore.

I want you.

Thanks for wanting me.


I hope...

We'll make it.

'Coz you're you.

And for that I choose you.

I am so fucking drunk.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What if I change my mind?

I have this feeling.

I don't like it.

You won't like it.

I need a freakin' make-over.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I'm Alive...Hardly.

I have been sick for the past week. I wouldn't get too detailed on it since it's quite gross. Let's just say that the only good thing being in a deluxe suite in a nice hotel is that it's got a really nice roomy bathroom.

Come to think of it, I have had more interactions with good ol' mr. potty seat more these past weeks than I've had in months. Well, maybe not "more" but it's definitely more interesting. Quality of quantity I say.

So what have I been up to the past month or so resulting in non-blogging, toilet action scenes, and mild depression?

Well, my last post was when I was still in Paris and that was about two months ago. And quite a lot has happened in two months.

- Greatest European summer ever
- Mild depression after greatest European summer ever.
- Boring unsatisfying work.
- Stupid more unsatisfying not even supposed to be my job anguishing work.
- One of the biggest dramas of my life.
- Getting drunk for the first time after almost 10 years.
- More drama.
- Slight happiness in light of the drama.
- Subic escapade which is actually hotel room/toilet escapade.
- Sickness and more sickness.

Might not seem like it since bullet points doesn't really do justice to those two months but it's a lot. Trust moi.

So now what I actually want the most is a quiet moment to myself. To relax and just cleanse my thoughts. God knows I need the pampering once in a while. I bought 3 spa packages from Clarins and I haven't even used one yet.

I'm taking this one day at a time. Not really caring at this point nor even knowing what would happen the next day, the next week, month, year. Of course I'm hoping something will happen but I can't take the anguish of it not happening so better not think about it right?

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure or something like that.

So short term goals: Spa at Clarins
Long term goals: stay alive and healthy to be able to achieve a real long term goal.

I wanna go home and I want mon Ours!!!

cough and colds,