All by myself, mexican style
Sing it Celine Dion style!
All by myseeeellffff...don't wanna beee...all by myyyself...anymooooorrre!!
I've always been comfortable going out alone. I've been to the movies alone, the pool alone, to the mall alone, to a museum alone. I am not one of those girls who would just die if no one's there to go to the powder room with them. I can survive by myself. Sure it's lonely, but just because no one's available to go with you does not mean that you have to waste that perfectly beautiful day to do whatever, right?
So for lunch (I'd say this is pretty much my time zone)/dinner (for those of you who's in regular Pinas time) today I had to eat (sing it!) all by myself.
My regular dinner buddies had dates and no one in the team was hungry yet. I was the only one who was hungry at 7 pm when they usually eat at around 9.
So there I was, my poor self, buying dinner alone, eating dinner alone. But it wasn't that bad. The not so good part was the fact that I had the smarts to get burritos and tacos for dinner when earlier today I had a not so good stomach situation.
Plus, the meal had a side order of beans.
*Red alert* Not good.
Now's the time I'm thankful I was all by myself.
NO! I did not do anything nasty!! (sounds defensive but it's true)
I was just a nice feeling to know that if in case something might suddenly come up, I don't have to excuse myself from anyone.
Now I'll really be all by myself once everyone gets to read this post.
It was good burrito though. Well worth it. I'd say I'd get one again as soon as my stomach settles.